Posting In Spanish

I’ve been living in Spain for almost a year now and as a result, I thought it about time that I write something in Spanish. This has also been inspired by a Spanish friend’s challenge to publish two posts in the language:

– one post that I’ve translated from one of my previous English ones
(published 23 Dec 2014)

– another that I will be writing directly into Spanish
(to be published before 31 Dec 2014)

This has been at the back of my mind for a few weeks now and as the New Year’s Eve deadline is looming, I thought I’d better get on with it. So, the next two posts on this blog will be in Spanish.

For those who don’t speak the language, I will of course be publishing a translation and if this goes well, I hope to publish more occasional posts in Spanish in the future too which would be an interesting challenge for the new year…

4 thoughts on “Posting In Spanish

  1. ¡¡ Vas a conseguir el reto sin duda !!
    Yo estoy feliz, por poder leer y entender lo que escribes, mientras aprendo ingles.
    ¡¡¡FELIZ NAVIDAD !!!


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